Monday, June 27, 2011

Wrightsville toddler dies from pool accident

Here's the update on last week's pool accident in Wrightsville:

On your street corner

It must be getting closer to July 4 as these fireworks' stands have returned to various street corners around town.

Barnies manager shows up umpire

Lancaster Barnstorners skipper Butch Hobson puts on a show after getting tossed from a game last night. It's  classic, still not as good as the other year when a manager in the Atlanta organization got tossed:

Fire meeting is tomorrow

Representatives of Columbia No. 1 Fire Department, Susquehanna Fire & Rescue Co. #4 and Columbia Consolidated Fire Department will hold an informational session regarding the consolidation of fire and rescue services in Columbia Borough on Tuesday, June 28th at the Columbia Jr./Sr. High School beginning at 7:00 pm. 
Rob Brady of the Department of Community and Economic Development will faciliate the presentation.
The meeting is open to the public and members of the respective fire companies are encouraged to attend.