Sunday, June 3, 2012

Masons honor one of their own

(l-r) Cindy Mahan, Tanya   Helton, Logan Mahan Jess Eisenhaurer, Nicole McCauley
A tree and plaque were unveiled   May 30 at the Columbia High School honoring former Mason and School District   employee  Scott Mahan.
Mahan died unexpectedly this   past January , was a Custodian for the   Columbia School District and served the local Masonic Lodge as a  Past   Master and Secretary. 
Steve   Sherk   representing the school district employees said that this   tree planted where   all employees can see as they enter the school will be a lasting reminder   of the influence Scott had on his fellow employees… 
Glenn Bachert,   chaplain of the Masonic Lodge offered a prayer.
About 30 people   attended this event including Mahan’s   family, friends, school employees and Masonic Lodge members.
(-r) Andrew Zeamer,   Worshipful Master, Columbia Lodge, Cindy Mahan, Steve   Sherk

River Park featured in borough's magazine

Columbia's River Park is featured in the Pennsylvania Borough's Association monthly magazine. Here is the link: