Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Did a council member swear at a citizen?

At the last few borough council meetings, there has been plenty of discussion on issues of respect.

Respect in how members of the borough council treat its citizens, who attend the meeting and others and vice-versa.

This was all prompted by a change in how meetings were run by the use of Roberts Rules of Order. Earlier this month, there was some lively debate about the change from a couple of citizens and members of borough council.

Wednesday night, the issue came up again at a special meeting of the borough’s governing body.

A citizen, who is a former member of the borough council, Vern Detz, said an unnamed member of the council showed “a lack of respect toward a resident” at a recent committee meeting.

Detz, who did not name the council member, but promised too release more details of the alleged incident at council’s April meeting, said a profanity was used toward a citizen at a meeting.

“I would like to see a public apology tonight or that person resign,” Detz said.

There was no comment from borough council on the issue.

1 comment:

Vernon Detz, JR said...

At the March 11 Market Committee meeting, Councilwoman Renae Sears directed a profanity at resident Frank Doutrich. I ask for a public apology or the resignation of the Council member at the March 23rd meeting of Borough Council. As Barry states, Council refused to comment and Mrs. Sears didn't own up to her comment. I sent President Wickenheiser an email the following day stating my position and received no response. So, does President Wickenheiser and Council condone a public official directing a profanity toward one of its residents? It appears to me to be the case. Whether they like it or not, elected officials are held to a higher standard and need to act with dignity. Mrs. Sears has not done that! She has apologized to others who were at the public committee meeting but refuses to apologize to Mr. Doutrich. This is not the type of behavior the residents of Coulmbia Borough should receive from their public officials, Mrs. Sears should RESIGN!