Tuesday, October 4, 2011

21 and counting

Don't know if you have been following the real estate settlements in the Sunday News each week, other than the numerous sheriff sales, one constant has been BHI Properties out of Mifflintown.

The property management firm, according to county records, owns up to 21 properties in the borough, if not more.

BHI is buying up properties in town that are single family dwellings and converting them into Section 8 or multiple family units. I was told last week by a member of borough council, a local broker is involved in this and at least one property was sold to BHI and the deal was negated after the seller found out what was going on. In addition, they are asking for appeals of their tax assessments as

BHI is located at 366 Empire Dr., Mifflintown.

Here is a list of their recent purchases and I think you might add another one, I saw for sale in the 200 block of South Fifth St. today.

  • 1007 Cloverton
  • 127 Bethel
  • 212 N. Second
  • 137 S. Fifth
  • 557 Avenue H
  • 443 Cherry
  • 333 Perry
  • 317 N. Second
  • 316 Perry
  • 486 Manor
  • 309 Mill
  • 105 Bethel
  • 225 N. 3rd
  • 443 N. 3rd
  • 1047 Cloverton
  • 477 Manor
  • 243 Perry
  • 240 N. 2nd
  • 806 Plane
  • 128 Perry
  • 314 S. 2nd
  • 245 N. 2nd
  • 543 N. 2nd
  • 529 Concord
  • 234 Walnut
  • 310 Avenue D
  • 124 Perry
  • 126 Perry


Anonymous said...

Perfect example of why Columbia is in the shape it's in. Out of town landlords just collecting and cashing checks with no interest in our town and the people the rent to or in most cases the properties they buy dirt cheap.

Anonymous said...

BHI owns 32 properties in the County and they are all in Columbia. You can check the properties they own by going to county website at www.co.lancaster.pa.us
From the drop down list on the right (Departments) select Property Assessment. Once there, click "Online Services/Property Search" on the left menu bar. On the next page click "Assessment Information Online Search". On that page enter BHI in the Owner Name field and click submit.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, BHI only owns 31 properties in town. The other is in the city.

Anonymous said...

Okay, now here is a perfect example of where Councilman Ford needs to step up to the plate...Barry, what do you intend to DO about this if/when we elect you to council?

Columbia Talk said...

Still 31 too many!

Columbia Talk said...

Okay, here goes. From what I've been told and have tried to research, there's not much we cando, which isn't good enough. We need to get the word out as a borough, as a school district, as real estate folks (not only here, but elsewhere), as landlords, sellers, not to sell to this person. We also need to tighten our ordinances, put teeth into them, enforce them or come up with some new ones to prevent bad landlords, property management, etc., from coming to our town and dumping on us. This will be a priority, which falls into line with my focus of quality of life issues. This affects everyone and something our boro should focus on, not projects of personal agendas.

Anonymous said...

Do we have something in our zoning ordinance regarding off street parking for new rental units. I can't believe we don't and if we do, I don't see how some of these properties could comply.

Anonymous said...

There is a way to stop this. 90% of these properties or about, are rented to section 8's. So, why is there more then (1) family living there? That is one thing were the landlord should be fined! After so many finds the property should be shut down. Also, DRUG TRAFFICKING is taking place at these locations!!! We need to check these 2 major issues out. This town is DRUG HEAVEN!! Some landlords are working with these people right under are noses! Its up to the council to get off their ass and do something!! ROBERT

Anonymous said...

Question for the borough solicitor!!!! what can be done to prohibit section 8 properties within the borough? We need to reduce/eliminate section 8 rentals in the borough not increase them.
Certainly there is a solution to this problem, why isn't this addressed at council meetings?

Anonymous said...

why does it matter if one company buys even 100 properties ? - they can't take the properties with them - we still have the properties and we can raise his taxes and enforce code and make him fix up the properties ! At least it is easier then finding the owners of 31 different properties !!

Anonymous said...

yes, I agree and I think that we should send him thank you letters for investing his money in Columbia. He doesn't even get mortgages so that means that he has money to fix up properties. Don't worry folks, you can bet your ass that Barry Ford will make sure that this guy follows Code when he is elected !, VOTE FOR BARRY FORD !!!

Anonymous said...

We can take the properties from them if the people living there are selling drugs!! Also, if more then 1 family lives in a section 8 property! The boro council has to start and keep on them. Even and most IMPORTANT THE LANDLORDS!! Robert