At a special meeting Tuesday night, Columbia Borough Council approved pursuing a contract with the Norfolk Southern Railroad for the purchase of 14 acres of land between the two inter-county bridges.
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This is the access road that will have to be kept open as part of the pending agreement. |
Council made its decision to pursue the purchase following a 30-minute executive session during Tuesday’s meeting.
As part of the pending purchase, which Norfolk Southern still must approve, the borough must erect a chain link fence on the property and keep an access road near the railroad tracks open from Walnut Street, south to Union Street and close the Locust Street crossing.
The purchase of the land not only will be used as part of the River Park expansion project, but also the Route 441 relocation, which will probably happen sometime in 2012 and the Northwest River Trail project, which will link Columbia to Marietta.
In addition to hearing comments from members of the council, President Mary Wickenheiser opened the floor to citizens. Tim Swartz and Frank Doutrich, both former members of the council questioned liability concerns and when Columbia could back out of the project.
Resident Kent Lutz questioned the need to purchase the property, while another resident Harry Knighton asked if the money used for the purchase can be used in other areas of the borough for road and infrastructure improvements.
Mayor Leo Lutz said money planned for the project could not be used for something else.
“The river is what made Columbia and the river is our future. We looked at this development as a way to spur economic development elsewhere in this borough,” said Wickenheiser.
“Why are we spending money for something we don’t need,” said Austin Hogentogler, resident.
Wickenheiser said the park is busy, especially on weekend, where people from at least rive counties use the facility.
Lance Nobile, another resident, criticized the council for the current River Park plan.
“It’s in terrible condition,” he said.
“The project was not in the best interest of the community and not a wise decision,” he continued.
Top-notch reporting here and in the other articles below about borough council. Thanks for keeping us informed, Barry.
It's all about greed and the people involved getting what they want and giving a rats ass about what everyone else thinks. Makes me sick.
well we better lobby to vote in a deed restriction that the Borough can't re-sell it for at least 100 years!, seriously -
I"m thinking about the prime river front lot's that were sold off a few years back for peanuts - and that just can't happen again. If this Council cares enought to buy it which I agree with - then they damn well better care enough to deed restict it so a future council doesn't sell it off!
close the crossing to the land the Borough buys, and let me guess - put a new crossing in front of the lots the Borough sold. whatever - it's just a crossing - and it's not worth loosing the land to save the crossing!
good reporting Barry. as i see it, it's time for the taxpayers of this town to take back OUR town, and rid our town of yes people who continue to add to our $ 5 million dollar debt !!!!! wake up columbia before it's too late!
hello-is anybody home? it's time to take back OUR town. Unite.
14 acres for some grant money and an agreement to close a rail line crossing? Seems like one heck of good deal to me!
The new river park is very nice and extending up to the rt 30 bridge; meeting up with the Northwest Trial, and enabline a rt 441 bypass is all in the very best interest of the community.
First, if you want good families to buy homes in your town over slumlords, you have to offer those families amenities like recreation. Plus, it drives up property values which is what you need to fix your tax problem. Getting trucks off of third st and out of down town works in a similar way...
Tourism and recreation are trending towards outdoor activities, and giving both residents and folks from other communities an oppurtunity to enjoy the Susquehanna in various ways not only makes Columbia a great place to live and play, but brings others to play too. Remember, when others visit your community, they need places to eat, sleep, get gas, buy bait, rent a boat, have a beer, and so on. That's commerce. That's economic development. That's the kind of thing that brings revenue into a commuity. It brings business and jobs. That's what towns like Columbia need.
It's all nice to have all of these things in place. But, here is the thing -- is there a plan to attract these people from the River Park, the Turkey Hill Experience, etc. to come into town? NO. Until there is, it will be off 30 back on 30 or down Walnut Street on the river and back. The Watch and Clock Museum brings people to town, but rarely do they stay for more than the tour. Also, if you think the 441 project is a go, keep dreaming. I believe people are telling Columbia Borough exactly what they want to hear and then behind their back saying suckers.
just make the road back to Rt. 30 a Toll Road for five bucks - or go through town for free!
I agree we need more jobs in Columbia and more importantly.. we need a reason to come to Columbia. I think council made promises to hook our beliefs in something that will never come true. Why is the word of honor a thing of the past? Why can't we trust one another? I'll tell you why... Council can lie and still have control! Unite, fight and talk up for what you believe. Otherwise, complaining on here is just that...a complaint that probaly laugh at.
sounds like madam Palosi wrote the second to last comment!!! Hymmm
What did council lie about? Do you have proof? Pretty bold statement.
What are your ideas for getting folks who come to the river, Turkey Hill Experience, or Clock Museum to come downtown?
I would say that one thing that needs to happen is that businesses need to work together and advertise along with one another. Both in major marketing efforts and as simply as displaying one another's brochures at each business.
The Chamber is doing a great job bring folks to town with events like the Antique and Craft show and the galleries and anitque shops are doing an excellent job witht he 4th friday idea; however, I would suggest that we need more events.
Bass tournaments, river races, heck, even chili cook offs and wing contests should be considered.
Restaurants should work together to develop a blues event or something along those lines.
All I am saying is that Columbia has alot of potential. We need to think positively and harness it.
it's wishfull thinking, but I just don't see shop owners uniting to promote and advertise, so i'm in favor of a DID tax or something of sort, a Downtown Investment District tax for the specific purpose of promoting and adavertising the downtown, draw a circle one or two blocks around the square and all property owners pay an additional tax of a few hundred bucks a year, most can easily afford it and the ones that can't, sorry for your luck!
hey all-did you know that norm and leo are spending (or already did) another maybe
$ 300,000 for all the cameras for all around the boro building,river park,parking lots, parks, etc? they will need to be monitored 24/7. how much will that cost and again who will pay for it? the taxpayers of course, whether you want to or not. this is why you need to attend these meetings! shouldn't businesses pay for their OWN security-just like you and i would have to for our homes-IF WE COULD AFFORD TO..and, who is paying for the liability insurance for the river park??? how can the taxpayers afford this to? do you realize some taxpaying citizens can't afford their own homeowners insurance? SHAME ON YOU NORM AND LEO
gee Pk, When there becomes a tax bill for DID, may I send you my payment?.. because it appears you have the cash flow to speak for everyone! I am a dedicated store owner and I would like to get people in my store just like everyone else, but money isn't always the answer. Uniting.. helping one another until we all join will build a future for Columbia. It doesn't cost people money to open up their doors and sweep their neighbors house or store front. It doesn't ruin the future by supporting one another on a frugal budget.
I don't think that you get the whole idea of this plan. This is the first step towards taking over the entire river front and getting rid of the river cottages. Then the Borough will have the whole river front from the Route 30 Bridge to Union Street. Then the next step might be riverboat gambling to make money. Cottage owners BEWARE!!!
No wonder you never made detective WILLAM.
I think William might be on to something. I remember hearing a plan like that being discussed years ago. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
The DID tax seems like a good idea, until you think about it a little and realize that it will have the exact opposite effect on the downtown. Increased property taxes on downtown businesses will not entice new businesses into the area--they will discourage new businesses from coming here and drive out the ones we have. We need tax incentives for businesses to open downtown.
The unrivaled economic BOOM that would result from a quality development of the Riverfront is too good to pass up. (Not riverboat gambling, think boardwalk, shops, family activities, etc.--why not bring back the ferry like a Strasburg railroad kinda thing, people would love that!!) The cottages are cute, but they don't provide the busy shops, full restaurants, jobs and growing future Columbia needs.
to anonymous-just attend any public meeting of council. ask a question, sit back and listen to the lies unfold. unbelievable!!the mayor is a busybody who has his nose in EVERYTHING-especially everywhere it shouldn't be-ever notice when some big important thing happens with the police-leo loves all the drama, all the attention, he ALWAYS has a press release for ALL the media!!! maybe he should try out for the movies
All those involved with the cottages better be careful.The last time the Mayor made such a statement about a sensitive issue he called this person a liar for challening him and ask Frank Doutrich to bring this person in front of Council in handcuffs.He uses bull tatics to scare people away.But,now that we know he has been displaying his true colors he should resign and move on before he does more damage.
Most people who do good things get rewarded at the end of their tenure. Sadie Myers got a street named after her. Cubie Speise got a bridge named after him. The Mayor is trying to get the town named after him. After all he deserves it. It would be really unsettling driving through a town that is empty because of the careless leadership in the past ten years. Remember those 200,000 to 300,000 people that are coming because of the Turkey Hill Experience? These numbers were provided by our front team economic recovery specialist members Norm and Leo.Their that sure they are building parking lots for buses. We have the National Watch and Clock Museum in Columbia and one would wonder why this would not draw at least that many people? After all it is the world headquarters. We can't forget the new river boat ramp. One that is used by people from five counties. I can see it now...looking into the future. The Mary Wickenheiser riverfront park. The sign should say,"even though we broke the backs of the property owners financially,it was worth it". Allthough it may sound sarcastic, its probably not too far from the truth....good night America and may the next day be a little brighter.
The shop people are communicating more than ever. One of the gallery owners regularly visits my business as well as others and has suggested a merchant group and acts as a communicator to others. I must say this young gal has spunk. The Fourth Friday event is a perfect example of how things can work. The chamber of commerce is joining THEM for the July event with an art in the park function with artist and music. I see a business model here, sometimes all it takes is one person with drive and a solid goal to make things happen. I applaud this.
to the idiot who thinks the cottages are CUTE,needs a reality check. you are messing with peopls lives by taking away their homes. How would you like it if the borough decided to take away YOUR home and build a parking lot on it I would think you would fight till the bitter end. This is whats going to happen if and when the borough gets this property and the battle begins.
great news for the fourth friday in july !!!! it will be awesome, walk thru town and enjoy, good luck to the young gal with spunk!
I think that before anything is done with the property where the cottages are, the surrounding area needs to be completely revitalized. Who is going to want to buy a condo or come for river boat gambling in an area that looks trashy with unkept buildings and properties...along with some of the rif-raf that hangs out on Locust St. In my mind, clean up the rest of the town, fine the slumlords as soon as they violate (unkept properties, too many tenants, unliveable conditions) and THEN think about the cottages. For now, leave them alone. It is nice down there and al least those owners take care of their properties!
amen, they do take great care of their properties. i agree, the bottom of locust st is full of rif raf, most (not all) landlords don't care about their properties as long as they get their money-THEY need to be held ACCOUNTABLE for ALL issues with their tenants! they are unkept, filthy, trash scattered,rubbish lying everywhere- why doesn't the code enforcement officers CONCENTRATE their time on Locust St from the bottom to 5th St-that's the first impression from tourists
the bottom line is - this Boro can NOT afford anymore of this bull ----. TAKE CARE OF WHAT YOU HAVE ! Have you seen the Boro, have you seen the filth, the trash, the unkept roads, weeds, etc ? IF YOU continue like this there will be NO ONE living here -they can't afford the taxes. fix the streets instead of buying shit. the Boro is NOT a realtor.
no no no , not increased property taxes on the downtown, just a little something on all properties within one block of the square, like $500. per year per property, and the specific purpose of promoting the downtown, think about it, most of the properties are owned by people and corporations that can afford a little hit which will give the budget to do a great promotions on and about the downtown on a REGULAR basis. Any volantary initiative to do the same will either never get off the ground or fizzle out,
how hard is it to understand? we, the WORKING TAXPAYERS of this town, can NOT take ANY MORE! Look around you. There are more renters and foreigners in this boro than working homeowners. How do you think this can go on? the Boro (Norm Leo and council) are breaking our backs. We have to sell our property and get out of town, a town we've loved and have lived in our whole life. Because-we can NOT afford to live here ANYMORE AND SUPPORT THE HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF WELFARE RECIPIENTS
There's only one thing to be said and done right now, the borough council has got to go, or at least it's members. Election is this fall too right!? They say they're looking out for this town, for the people!? Why are we up to our nose holes in debt then? How about they start taking care of what they already have in the borough and stop trying to aquire other pieces of land. They have enough on their hands now that they can't deal with and manage properly, i think that's obvious to all of us...
How right you are! I agree. Couldn't have said it better!
There are A LOT of great comments and idea's on this forum, this post alone has many of them, I really wish people would take ownership of what they have to say. It's way too easy to sit behind a computer screen and write comments, make false statements and attack people and then sign anonymous. We don't even know for sure how many people are writing these posts, could be a few or it could be many, no way to know for sure unless you take ownership of your comments! Those of you who attend the meetings know I have no problem speaking my mind and taking ownership of what I have to say. IF we're going to get this turned around and bring Columbia back, we have to know who's willing to fight to get it done, we can't have a bunch of anonymous people posting on the web without getting involved. I invite everyone to be a part of the solution, not part of the problem! So, please take ownership of your comments and sign your name to your posts.
The next elections in the Borough will seat 4 new Council members and 5 new School Board Directors IF there are people who are willing to get involved and run for these positions. IF you're only willing to sit behind the computer screen and make your anonymous comments, NOTHING is going to change!
Response to Anonymous July 6, 2010 12:33pm
You said the borough is messing with peoples lives by taking their homes away. Well if you are living in one of those homes 365 days a year, YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE!!!!!!
I understand there never has been any running water or sewer. So YOU should NOT be living there!! AND as a taxpayer, don't think I am going to pay to have water and sewer run to each of your cottages. My only hopes, if the borough accepts the gifted property, is that ALL cottages are reassessed and put on the tax rolls for the correct amount of DUE tax.
People should remember that Columbia does not own a drop of water on the susquehanna. When you touch the water you are in West Hempfield Township. I'm surprised they could put the docks in. Borough workers were working in West Hempfield when they were putting the docks in with an employees personal boat. I would not let them use my boat that is for sure. Maybe they should have thought about that before getting the docks. I wonder if the workers insurance covers them working on the water as well/
look all you clowns-the cottage owners DO PAY TAXES - AT 2 PROPERTIES IN THIS BORO EVERY YEAR !!!!! what don;t you understand? i might add that they take great pride in their properties and HAVE for the LAST 30, 40 AND 50 YEARS !!!!!!!!
the taxpayers need to get rid of all the renters in this town. with being land locked and having WAY WAY TOO MANY RENTAL PROPERTIES that's the real problem
so the million dollar question is how do you convert rental properties to owner occupied properties and how do you convince now owners to buy and move in to areas of town that are surrounded by low income renters? - it's practically impossible and would take some real out of the box thinking. - like to form a large deep pocket development corporation owned my many like minded individuals to buy up the properties and re-sell them to owner occupants - and it might take a long term plan to buy up entire blocks before you start re-selling! - that's just one thought - but in any event - it's a lot easier said then done to change the direction of this sinking ship!! - 'cause from what I see, things are headed the wrong direction when it comes to the quality of life in downtown Columbia!
We need to create an ordinance that allows us to collect something from renters that goes towards the tax bills. Then maybe this will get the renters out of Columbia and slumlords will be left with empty apartments and HAVE to sell their buildings at an affordable price to families:)
na, won't work, landlords will just be forced to lower the rental price to offset the renters tax and property values will just keep going down due to no buyers in those slum areas - have you heard what's going on in Detroit? - values of houses falling falling falling for all the same reasons.
let's all try real hard to come up with some good ideas to get rid of some rental properties and turn them back into single family dwellings!!! now that's a good idea. i'm putting my thinking cap on - i'll be back !
it's all to do with financial incentives - like double the tax on rental properties and half the tax on owner occupied properties
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