Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday's talking points

Just a few observations from this week in our town:
* Yesterday and today, were the first two days of extended hours (till 7 on Thursday and 6 on Friday) at the COLUMBIA MARKET HOUSE. Was told it wasn't real busy last night wth the extra hours. That one might take some time.
* Speaking of the MARKET, there will be two people interviewed by borough tomorrow for the position of market manager. Here are some ideas -- look to cut back to one day; get some weekend events in there; stop the politics; get more stand holders and make an effort to get one longtime stand holder back, who left today. And also, don't require the stand holders to be there both days. Might be surprised you could get more stands.
* More advice for dowtown and one for the market -- kick out the "Freddy the Freeloaders," who are taking up table space and not buying anything. They give our town a great image and the same goes for those downtown and the borough itself, who allow the FTF's" to "reside" on their property. Really looks great, especially when I'm told two of the FTF's were sitting on a local stoop and drinking alcoholic beverages.
I know of at least one down establishment that won't allow the FTF's to sit outside unless they buy something and the FTF's are upset by it. Give me a break!
* Saw yesterday and today, one in town on the main drag and another in the east end where roofs were being put on buildings without visible or any building permits.
* And finally, is it 30 days or three months, that when people move to a new state that they have to change their vehicle registration over to Pennsylvania. I know of three vehicles of out of state license plates, who have been residents of our town and state for more than three months. One is Delaware, one is Mayland and other is Kentucky.


Anonymous said...

Well I went to the Columbia Market house today and when I pulled up front and seen the people standing around the front smoking I just pulled right back out. Smoking is disgusting and I refuse to expose my family to it to get inside the market house.

Anonymous said...

Well when I went to the market house today and pulled up front there were so many people there smoking that I pulled right back out. Smoking is digusting and I refuse to expose my family to it to get into the market house.

Anonymous said...

When I was in the Market today, I got a soft pretzel and the person running or manning the stand was a young Amish boy, couldn't have been more than 12. Also noticed a vacant stand where young kids had their coloring spread out and very few, oops, hardly any of the food stands or vegetable sands practicing correct food serving -- gloves, etc. All not good.