Sunday, June 20, 2010

Something to think about

This was sent to COLUMBIA TALK this afternoon of a sign displayed on the sign in frontof he Lazy K Lounge in the 100 block of Locust Street.


Anonymous said...

sign should say," owners are druggies"

RiverCouple735 said...

He's done this before. Don't know if it worked or not. Good for a laugh at least.

Anonymous said...

Well, while I see the point of making these deadbeat renters known to the public, it certainly doesn't help make our town look good. Especially when the sign on the building is on one of our two main roads. Maybe Mr. Kramer should try fixing up this building and those awful looking chopped up windows!!! :(

Phyllis J. said...

This sign had better be gone in time of the Friday evening arts event, the art in the park on Saturday, and the Riverfest on Sunday. This looks horrible to our community. This landlord needs to follow procedure for dealing with his tenants, why do we have to look at this sort of thing and the folks visiting our town. Pathetic!!!!

Anonymous said...

He should be reinvesting some of that rent money BACK into the property he's making money on. It looks terrible!!! Oh that's right, he's another "out of town slumlord". They make their money off of Columbia and reinvest it in the community they live in.

Anonymous said...

It is actually against the housing rights to print or slander a human. Landlords can give a reference by saying, "this person was evicted for non-payment of rent" AND ANSWER THE QUESTION WOULD YOU RENT TO THIS PERSON AGAIN?... by saying no! You can NOT call a person a drunk, a bum, deadbeat... or any other names. If this was on the other shoe-the landlord would be furious if these people slammed his name in public. As for the k-6 behavior on the shows a very childish behavior and makes Columbia look like a terrible place to rent. These people may have had a "bad luck" stream for different reasons, we will never know, but you can bet that people will remember this stunt for a long time!

Wil Torbert said...

If I put something on the outside of this building regarding the bullish, deceitful tactics of PGM Reality (Chester County, that's right, CHESTER COUNTY) I am very sure I would be in some sort of trouble. I cannot see how this company gets away with so much, when this huge eyesore is right next to a downtown Borough parking lot.

Anonymous said...

It appears that even with warning of illegal behavior of slander- this Kramer dude choses to continue... because he can! If the Borough doesn't stop it and no one cares-then why should Kramer? I think it is horrible that I am a part of a town that feels the need to add crayon drawings to a building to get a point across. The events for Friday which is suppose to show "Columbia" strong, was a laugh. People came to our town and saw writings on the wall, people fighting on the streets, and more. Borough needs to open up-drop out or make some serious changes. Columbia is a nice town to live and even nice place to retire.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Maybe you can run for a position in columbia borough. We could use someone who hears are needs and responds with honesty. Thanks and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I would be honored to run for council because I am just an average person with the thoughts and actions of everyone who wants to live in a town that is suppose to be home!