Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday's edition of Is This What We Really Want?

The former United/Sprint Telephone Company building at Third and Walnut streets is another example of a Code Enforcement issue. The owner, who owns the "downtown swimming hole," which was featured earlier on COLUMBIA TALK, has left the building wide open and has gone from a building with perhaps some great potential to one that has been severely neglected and somewhere down the road because of its neglect could be a candidate for "demolition by neglect."


Anonymous said...

How long have they been open? Last time I was past there was some construction equipment inside but no activity that I saw. I was hopeful that something was happening.

Anonymous said...

Most of the spring and the ipper floor wondows have been open for longer than that. Some of the doors are unlocked as well. The inside has been torn out, typical Doolittle, who has taken advantage of our town long enough. He's just waiting for the need to demolish the building.

Anonymous said...

With any luck, they will demolish the building. The single best use for that location (and for the swimming hole once they fill it in) is as a parking lot, or better yet a 2 story parking garage. This would address the number one problem holding back downtown development--PARKING IN THE BUSINESS DISTRICT!! If we have sufficient parking downtown, the empty storefronts will begin to fill up and the town will begin moving forward.

Anonymous said...

No, every person who is a renter will park there and defeat the purpose. They will keep uninspected cars and repair their cars now. Just saying Mr. Doolittle sold our town a bill of goods and now we are paying for it.

Mike said...

Mr. Doolittle is really something. Are all of you aware that he conveniently placed dumpsters behind the adjoining building to the phone company which just so happens to be the place where his daughter has a "coffee shop" and lives upstairs. That place was nothing but a cover while all kinds of crap was removed from the phone building out the back. We're talking asbestos, black toxic moldy drywall, you name it, it was improperly disposed of. A "truck" supposedly ran into a wall behind the coffee shop making it then conveniently possible to get the dumpsters in there. The coffee shop is never open but if you peek in the windows you can see Doolittle sitting in there at a desk and computer in what was supposed to be a code demanded bathroom for the coffee shop, it was never finished. Makes you wonder what it's all about and how it's all connected doesn't it??? Something really stinks folks.

Anonymous said...

Where's the Code Enforcement Officer in all of this?

Anonymous said...

Wait till what is being proposed next by these same very individuals. It will be announced at the Monday night Council meeting. If I were a property owner in this town I would be in an uproar over the announcement.

Anonymous said...

I know what you are referring to. That woman ought to be ashamed of herself, retire for crap sake!

Anonymous said...

What is being proposed Monday night?