Monday, August 16, 2010

Paying to play

Saw this article on PennLive:


Anonymous said...

No, it will ruin High School sports. If districts are having that much trouble cut back.In recent years we really got into High School sports and it is a cheap evening (5.00 admission). These districts who have the big fancy buildings and turf fields are to blame. I would not have a problem sending my kid to a plain looking school as long as he was being taught the things he needs to know. I also think school should be year round with a break in the summer and a break around the holidays.

Anonymous said...

I'm on board with year round school. It has been proven that students loose a certain amount of what they learned during the long summer break. Also, the glitzy schools that are being build are not needed. Plain looking schools are fine by me as well. As for paying to play, sadly, I believe the day is coming that all schools will do this.

Anonymous said...

What is Penn Manor's policy?