Monday, January 31, 2011

Who is to shovel these sidewalks?

Columbia Borough's ordinance says all sidewalks must be cleared within eight hours after a snowfall. It farther says a path of three foot wide must be cleared. Apparently someone forgot to tell the owners of the sidewalk which stretches from Florence Street east to the bend on Barber Street. Since many residents of Trinity House use this stretch, they are unshoveled. The owner of the sidewalks -- COLUMBIA BOROUGH!


Anonymous said...

Boro has there own set of rules they follow, only the people get harrassed by there rules just like the trash and weeds. Boro property can look like crap but don't let a weed grow outside your house or a little snow big no no.

Bridge Burner said...

I also noticed that although PENNDOT does a great job of clearing the roadway on Veterans Memorial Bridge, they plow it right up onto the sidewalk. I know these guys are busy, but pedestrians crossing the bridge now relegated to walking with on the roadway. Some how there should be a plan for maintaining these sidewalks. I'd imagine the responsibility falls to the local municipalities, Columbia and West Hempfield.

Albert Storm, Jr.

Anonymous said...

I recall PennDOT clearning snow from the bridge sidewalk in the past. I believe a phone call to the State Represenatives office would prompt action.

Anonymous said...

i suggest that some high school students, needing community service hours would take an interest and shovel these win for all.

Anonymous said...

the bridge walkway was cleaned off by the state, at one time, Liability can't use kids to clean it off, get a grip. Its all about money, costs. Its not going to get any better, you want your taxes to increase to pay for employees heath, vaction, holidays, K plans. get real, lets out source it, $ 7.50 hr no benifits. And you know rules are what they are, give people a break, burn the one's who take advantage of it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like they are cleared..

Anonymous said...

the citizens that use the sidewalk should grab a shovel and just clear it - where's the community spirit - lets all work together and just get jobs like this done - the Borough can't do everything around here

Anonymous said...

The "citizens" that mainly use this sidewalk are residents of Trinity House and most like do not own a shovel, nor can actually do the physical work!

Anonymous said...

Could you imagine a boro employee shoveling the side walk?! Then they complain about the people who shovel out their parking spots and "save" them by using various objects...sorry but I have an infant and during the winter it is tough to walk halfway up the block carrying a child, groceries ect in icy conditions because some ignorant person decided to take my spot for the night! They should start to think about the working people in this town and stop worrying about the parking spaces!