Thursday, August 4, 2011

Redevlopment taking too long

Took these pictures pictures this morning of a property located to the East side of the Columbia Plaza Shopping Center in the 900 block of Lancaster Avenue. The property, according to one neighbor, has been vacantt since at least 1980 and was taken over more than a year ago by the Lancaster Redevelopment Authority, which has by appearances had done little other than replace windows, balcony and deck. The yard is nothing but weeds. The reason I post it, the property is located on a major getaway from our town and doesn't leave visitors with a great image.


Anonymous said...

Should this be referred to the property committee of the Columbia Borough Council to have code enforcement involved?

Anonymous said...

I could take pictures in Columbia
all day long of vacant buildings &
existing businesses with tacky
signage, especially at the 5th &
Locust St.area of town.It really
gives the town a seedy image which
deters reputable business from
becoming part of Columbia's "Down-
Town Revitalization.

Anonymous said...

there is a lot of work to be done in town.....code enforcement MUST start with ALL these RENTAL properties that are AN EYESORE, A CONSTANT PROBLEM, SLUM, UNKEPT, FULL OF TRASH AND RUBBISH.....200 block Locust St, 400 block Union St-is a sin, have you seen this block EVERY morning with the gutters FULL of trash - FINE EM !!!! South 3rd St-another prime example....