Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday's Is This What We Want

It's back to the grind with the Friday edition of Is This What We Want. This is the former chip factory at Second and Locust streets. Might have been something else back in the day as well. It's owned by Strube Inc. and I think it was about a year ago or longer, subject to an investigation by the Federal and Stae Government for DEP clean-up issues. It's on the main street and some of the windows are boarded up or falling off. Since this property is probably somewhere, if at all, in the legal system, perhaps nothing could be done with it. Still worth pointing out though.


Anonymous said...

maybe DeVitry can buy it and rent out more apartments

Anonymous said...

Strube also owns a building in mount joy,the olod shoe factory on main street. Nothing is being done with this building either.It just sits there with broken windows and is an eye sore for the town. Wish they would just sell it and let somebody fix it up. There was talk of Applachian Brewing company out of Harrisburg buying it and turning it into on e of their rest.