Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Is This What We Want?

This picture was supplied by Columbia Borough of an apartment complex' trash at Third and Union streets, which was cleaned up by the borough following a complaint.


Anonymous said...

If the Borough cleaned this mess up will the property owner get a bill or will it be put on all the taxpapers?

Anonymous said...

That is the million dollar question now, isn't it?! We can only hope the Boro billed the property owner. Next time, maybe Code Enforcement should compel the property owner to clean their trash instead of using Boro resources. Better yet, now that we have plenty of Code Enforcement officers, maybe they can start being proactive and getting things cleaned up & up to code BEFORE someone has to call & complain. Code Enforcement should be able to notice things like this without someone calling about it.

Anonymous said...

Our code officers in Columbia are WORTHLESS.

Anonymous said...

can't we have somone walk around like the meter lady does and just write tickets and tape them to the building? - rather then all of this warning notice first crap?


Anonymous said...

I spotted Jeff Helm today carrying a tall stack of three very large food platters heaping with food into the Boro office. Good thing they are fueling up, it's time to get some work down boys!

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY!! Code Enforcement needs to be proactive & take the initiative, not sit around waiting for someone else to call about things they should be able to see & act upon on their own!!

Anonymous said...

The Zoning decision handed down on this property 8-10 years ago had the trash area for this property to be in an enclosed area, hasn't happened and this is what the neighborhood is stuck with. This is just like a lot of the other promises made by this property owner to get his project through the local Planning Commission and Zoning Board which have gone unfulfilled. Just take a look at the proposed parking lot that went with this project and is still UNFINISHED! Borough Officials and Code Enforcement turn a blind eye to this individual for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Sam Bigler - right on the top of the list of Slum Lords.

Anonymous said...

I would be willing to ride a bike in Columbia and post on doors any violations. unless council would like to do it for us???